Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yahoo! you're pushing me around!

It's as though some e-sites set out to really piss people off.

My current bleat is about Yahoo. Yahoo recently hooked up with NZ telco xtra. So now the Yahoo website in NZ is Yahoo!xtra. Ok fine. But if I want to go to, it defaults to the New Zealand page at and it will not accept any other URL. If I retype, it simply defaults again to the local site.

Sure, if I go to the bottom of the Yahoo!xtra page I can click through to Yahoo USA - the real Yahoo (?) - but why should I have to.

It would, surely, be an interesting consumer case that if I ask for that's what I should get, and not be palmed off with some local substitute that suits the company.

Google at least gives me the option of local or international.

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