Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Last hurrah For The Hypocrits

When I saw Helen Clark mouthing an official Government apology to the Vietnam vets last week I wanted to spit blood.

But not for the obvious reasons - you know, she was an anti-war protester etc. etc.

Firstly, because she never actually said "sorry", and her word spinners had carefully crafted the wording so that it was the Government - not her - that was doing the apologising.

But mainly because when the guys came back they were given the rubbish treatment by the government, govt. departments, and most disgracefully of all by the army and the RSA.

The reason they were given the official bucket of shit on the head was because of pressure on the then Labour Government from the Labour Party and its activists. Now who would that include? Er? Umm? The Princes St Labour Party Branch for sure. Guess who were members of that unlovely little cabal? Clark and Goff among others. Yet here she is now apologising for it all.

Angry as I might feel about her hypocrisy and the mealy-mouthed kiss-off she gave last week, it's the army and the RSA that really boil my blood.

If any two organisations should have stood four square behind their mates, their comrades in arms, it was those two organisations. They, of all, should know what the troops went through in combat and should have told the Labour politicians and their peacenik running dogs to piss off.

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