Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Great Auckland Billboard Hoo-hah

So the panjandrums of Auckland City want to ban billboards from the centre of the city in order to make the place a world-class city, whatever that means.

The town's clowns, aka Auckland City Councillors, have by their neglect allowed the construction of one of the ugliest cities imaginable. The best thing you can do to many of Aucklland's more recent buildings is plaster as many billboards over them as you possibly can.

Where else would you get multi-story apartment buildings erected litterally only a metre or two apart?

With rare exceptions - parts of the Viaduct Basin, Chancery, Metropolis - the design of multi story buildings over the past 40 years has varied from post-Stalingrad to post-Hong Kong.

Example: Those god-awful apartment buildings on the old railway goods shed site. Scene One, Scene Two etc. This had to be one of the most important building sites in the city. Right on the waterfront, not another building near it. It should have been the site of a truly awe inspiring building. What did we get? Three of the ugliest shit-houses that some cretinous designer, kow-towing to his overseas owner-client, could possibly have conceived.

When you think about it, the architectural "profession" has a lot to answer for in this city. Just walk around and look at the structures we will have to live with for many, many decades. With few exceptions they are just plain butt-ugly. Yet every one of them passed across the drawing board of an architect. It's like allowing the Visigoths to rebuild Rome.

When I become king, the architects will be lined up and shot, just after I deal to the town planners, those phillistines that allowed it to happen.